well I came to the realization that someone I thought was a really good friend apparently didn't feel the same way I did. I was friends with someone for a long period of time and for a reason I am still unaware of they are no longer speaking to me. I went out with my friend one weekend about 3 or 4 weeks ago like any other night and I thought the night went well. After that night though, it seems as if something was wrong with them. I travel frequently for work and that first week and the following I was out of town, so I thought nothing of not being able to see this person whom I had spent a significant period of time with every week for a long time whenever I was local. Then after I came home from the week of travel and I was home on the weekend and called them to hang out I got ignored and it seemed weird. I wasn't sure why, but figured they were busy or upset about something. So thinking something was wrong I text them and asked them if something was wrong and I got a response saying they had just been really busy and had a rough week. I could definitely relate with that! It's been rough on everyone lately....work, finances, stress, family, etc.. So no big deal..they had just been busy.
Then comes another week of being ignored and another week of being concerned if it was being directed specifically at me for some reason that again, I am still unaware of at this moment. So again, I ask several times that week what the problem is and then I get my first hint that I am correct in assuming it is something specific to me, they tell me that even if they tell me it won't make a difference. So now I'm really curious, because whether it makes a difference or not, at least I'll know what the reason is that the person I talked to and confided in so frequently has completely turned their back to me. They tell me that I should know what the issue is or that they are pretty sure I know, yet at this point I've already asked on at least 5 different occasions what the specific issue is.
I have seen this person like 2 times since I started realizing that they were holding a grudge against me for whatever reasoning they have for not speaking to me. It was a little awkward because I didn't know how to act because I DONT KNOW WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON. Anytime I have text or asked what was wrong I get the run around or ignored. I get empty promises of phone calls or late texts saying that things are better off discussed "tomorrow" though I never receive an explanation. Now this person does mean a lot to me and I hate the fact that we aren't as close as I thought we were, but I am also an adult and not going to harass someone for not wanting to talk/hang out with me. I am not going to beg when I don't even know what the reason we are in this situation is to begin with. I have tried to extend my hand to someone I thought was my friend and they keep turning me down, and will not give me an explanation or justification for getting treated the way I have been treated.
I hope that one day we can be friends again, obviously they don't want to be friends to the extent that I want to and I can respect that. And if that isn't even an option they want, then it would at least be nice to one day find out what the culprit was in this awkward, depressing, confusing, surreal, stomach aching, head hurting, stressful,.....sad moment.
Then comes another week of being ignored and another week of being concerned if it was being directed specifically at me for some reason that again, I am still unaware of at this moment. So again, I ask several times that week what the problem is and then I get my first hint that I am correct in assuming it is something specific to me, they tell me that even if they tell me it won't make a difference. So now I'm really curious, because whether it makes a difference or not, at least I'll know what the reason is that the person I talked to and confided in so frequently has completely turned their back to me. They tell me that I should know what the issue is or that they are pretty sure I know, yet at this point I've already asked on at least 5 different occasions what the specific issue is.
I have seen this person like 2 times since I started realizing that they were holding a grudge against me for whatever reasoning they have for not speaking to me. It was a little awkward because I didn't know how to act because I DONT KNOW WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON. Anytime I have text or asked what was wrong I get the run around or ignored. I get empty promises of phone calls or late texts saying that things are better off discussed "tomorrow" though I never receive an explanation. Now this person does mean a lot to me and I hate the fact that we aren't as close as I thought we were, but I am also an adult and not going to harass someone for not wanting to talk/hang out with me. I am not going to beg when I don't even know what the reason we are in this situation is to begin with. I have tried to extend my hand to someone I thought was my friend and they keep turning me down, and will not give me an explanation or justification for getting treated the way I have been treated.
I hope that one day we can be friends again, obviously they don't want to be friends to the extent that I want to and I can respect that. And if that isn't even an option they want, then it would at least be nice to one day find out what the culprit was in this awkward, depressing, confusing, surreal, stomach aching, head hurting, stressful,.....sad moment.
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