Sunday, February 22, 2009

Congratulations Heath...

Academy Award Winner, Best Supporting Actor

Friday, February 20, 2009

Best Coffee In The Country...

They need some on the West Coast!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Time To Pay Your Taxes Mrs. Palin...

It appears Sarah Palin failed to pay taxes on thousands of dollars of Per Diem payments made to her during her first 2 years in her role as governor of Alaska. Gov. Palin billed the state for nearly $17,000 worth of meals and other living expenses while staying in her own home during the first 19 months of her administration, even though the official governor’s residence is in Juneau. Funny to see that she was trying to run the state from her home and still reap the benefits of the financial allowances. Now how about you don't run your mouth about others and their tax scandals like a hypocrite and just sit your happy butt at home and keep on eye out on Russia for us? Shame on you Sarah Palin.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Joaquin Phoenix Is Going A Little Nuts....

For those of you who have not heard, Joaquin Phoenix has said he is quitting the acting business and pursuing a music career (hip hop specifically). I heard that several months ago, and if that's what he chooses to do that's fine, although I really do think he is a talented actor. But he went on David Letterman and something is really wrong with him...

Joaquin Phoenix On David Letterman - Watch more Funny Videos

Monday, February 9, 2009

Here In New York...

So I will be here for work in New York/New Jersey from today through Tuesday. On Tuesday I head down to the Philadelphia area for 2 days and then finish off in Atlantic City, NJ next Thursday and Friday! I am really excited as this is the first time I have been in this area of the country. (well I have been to Baltimore/DC/Virginia). I will try and post some pictures while I am here if not I will post them when I get back. I am going to meet up with friends this weekend that live out here that I have not seen in about 5 years so I am looking forward to that. Also I am sure I will hit some of the tourists spots and definitely get some good food while I am here! Oh yeah, maybe get some work done also lol

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Welcome Home John Forte...

President Bush actually gave my boy John Forte a pardon the last week of his presidency. Although John Forte made some mistakes his offenses were non-violent and he was a first time offender. Facts surrounding his trail were also rummored to have proceeded in a shady manor. Either way. Welcome home John!