So I bought this Glade Sense And Spray. For those of you who don't know what it is, it is an automatic battery operated air freshening spray. It uses 2 AA batteries and you can set the timer on it to spray a light mist every 9, 18, or 36 minutes. I have mine set on 36 minutes, which according to the packaging will make the spray work for roughly 60 days before it needs another refill. I got the idea because a friend of mine has this at her house and I would hear it spray occasionally, so when I went to the store last week I saw it and remembered it. With my schedule the way it is, traveling for a majority of the week, it is a great product that keeps my room smelling fresh and clean while I am away. I just bought it last week, so it was nice when last Friday after I came back from last week's business trip and walked in the door, the room smelled amazing. It cost approx. $13 or so, and I definitely think it was worth the investment and am happy with the purchase. So if you are at your local grocery/drug/convenience store, pick one up if you need this type of product. I know I'm glad I did.
So how much did they pay you for the endorsement?
I feel like im working for consumer reports or something with my last 2 posts lol
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