So I gathered up my transcripts and looked over them most of the weekend. I have a total of 44 college units and a 3.74GPA. I really do need to get motivated again and get back to school. I applied today to take a class this summer (classes start in 4 weeks) so hopefully I can get the application back in time and be able to register for the class I want to take. For sure in the fall I will be back at Orange Coast College and I already have what classes I want to take and it looks like they are offered at times I will be able to attend. I only need about 16 more units to transfer. I am definitely leaning towards Cal State University, Long Beach or Cal State University, Fullerton. They are both good schools and because of location they also make sense. I am eligible for the new Post 9/11 GI bill that got passed and that goes into effect in August. Because of this, I think I will also apply to University of California, Irvine. Again, location makes sense, and there is a certain pride that comes from graduating from a UC as opposed to a Cal State, not to take anything away from the Cal State system. I will be happy either way as long as I graduate. I still have a long road ahead of me for this but I need to get motivated again and get it done. When I went back to school in 2006 I told myself that I wanted to graduate before I was 30. Seeing as I will be 29 this November that is no longer going to happen. Even though I travel for my full time job, spend my weekends with my son or doing my military service, I need to get motivated and put in the work and get these classes done. I will continue to write about my progress with school in the future...
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