So I had kind of a long weekend so I just bummed out today (Sunday) and stayed home. As I was watching TV, just flipping through the channels, I saw a commercial advertising the 2009 MTV Movie Awards, and realized they were on today. I haven't seen this award show in a couple of years, but because of the commercial I figured why not just watch? So I wait for it to start and when they are announcing the presenters and performers I get a little hyped up because it actually includes some actors/musicians/etc that I actually like. So the host is Andy Sandberg, a featured player on Saturday Night Live. He is most known for his famous viral videos like "Dick in a Box" with Justin Timberlake and the hilarious spoof of Beyonce's "Single Ladies" video (also with Timberlake). So with that premise, I figured, it should be good show. It wasn't.
From the beginning it just seemed awkward. Presenters were messing up lines left and right making for repeated lines or uncertain celebrities on stage looking around for direction. There was a part when Sasha Baron Cohen (also known as Borat) came down on stage as his latest character Bruno (gay fashion designer, movie coming soon) and we ended up with his ass in rapper Eminem's face. I know Sasha Baron Cohen likes real reaction so I'm not sure if it was set up of if Em was in on it. Eminem seemed genuinely pissed off and his entourage manhandled Cohen enough to make it seem real. The whole scene was to award Zac Efron some award, I'm not even sure which one it was. The camera pans to Efron and you can clearly see him asking people around him if he is supposed to go on stage or what is going on. He goes on and accepts the award and even states "this is the weirdest way I have come up for an award". All of it just wasn't funny. And its not that the guests there aren't talented or relevant, the show just sucks. Although I'm sick and tired of seeing Millie Cyrus, Zac Efron and the rest of the other annoying teenie boppers at events like this. Anyway, I can see that I haven't missed anything worthwhile from not watching the last several years.