On the issue of gay marriage and gay rights there seems to be a shift on the stubborn and discriminatory past views from staunch conservative Republicans. First off, this Friday (tomorrow), Steve Schmidt, a key architect of John McCain's presidential campaign, will speak to the Log Cabin Republicans, a gay rights group. Schmidt will use this speech to urge conservative Republicans to drop their opposition to same-sex marriage. This should make for an interesting speech and I can't wait to hear what backlash other Republicans give him for being a honest and decent person.
Also the Log Cabin Republicans will be getting support from the McCain Family, yes that McCain family. Cindy and Meghan McCain will be making appearances during the Log Cabin Republican's four day convention in Washington. Others in the Republican party that have started to show support for gay rights have been Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, a Mormon Republican who has called for the adoption of civil unions, and Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, who acknowledged that gay Republicans have a place at the party's table. These are extremely positive trends and I truly hope they continue.
Lastly an up and coming Republican (and possible pres. contender in 2012) Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindel came out and acknowledged today on ABC's Good Morning America that " "I don't think we should question President Obama's patriotism or his intentions." This is something Republicans have tried to use in their arsenal since before the election and continue to do so on a daily basis, usually with inflammatory and uncredited "facts". Gov. Jindel also went on to say that Republicans should "give the new administration a chance". I was also surprised to hear that Gov. Jindel had some harsh comments for former Vice President Dick Cheney and suggested that the former Vice President should tone down his criticism of President Obama's national security policies. Bravo to Gov. Jindel (Gov of the state I grew up in lol) for stepping up and being a little bit more open minded then his peers (hello Sarah Palin, I'm looking right at you). Although I do not agree with many other issues the Republican party supports, it is healthy to have the "loyal opposition" and "honest disagreement" amongst the two major political parties and this is the way it should be conducted.
Is it a legitimate shift in view for the Republican party? Is it the beginning of a hybrid or third party? I don't know, but I'm liking the direction we are going in, I hope it continues...
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